Who Knew?

Women’s hormones are meant to be balanced

My Story:

I am now in my fifties (and still balanced and having a period!), but my twenties and thirties was rough. My PMS was extreme, depression during that time was real, and in trying to have a family I lost three babies. Those times in particular were really rough. And the depression after the losses were rough. I had no idea that one simple substance in my body was lacking and would have prevented it all. And, I had no idea that the incredible barrage of plastics and chemicals that our generation has been assaulted with, along with stress, was causing it.

My body wasn’t making enough progesterone. My doctor confirmed it with a comment, “Oh yeah, after someone has lost three babies, we start putting you on progesterone.” I won’t even take this space to go into the thoughts of ‘why the heck wait for three?’ - After alot of research and consultation with a naturopathic doctor, I learned that the progesterone that most medical doctors give you comes from horse urine and has a risk to cause cancer. If you go the natural route, they can make it from the wild yam plant and it not only doesn’t cause cancer, it causes known cancer cells to go through “apoptosis” (which means they commit suicide).

There is an essential oil serum called “Progessence Plus” that is essential oils and wild yam progesterone. When I started using it (5-7 drops on your wrist daily), it took about 3-4 months for my body to really balance out. The first month my normally heavy period actually got heavier and I was quite concerned. But as my body balanced, by the 4th month instead of the normal very heavy 7 day period - it was about 4 days and pretty light! No cramps. No moodiness. My world was rocked! And that was 12 years ago - and it has remained light (and I don’t even remember to put it on every day!).

When I hit 48 years old, I did discover that the Progessence Plus wasn’t enough. Things were changing. Perimenopause seemed to be hitting. My periods wanted to skip. Brain fog was appearing. I talked to my doctor who is a medical doctor that is into essential oils (a rare find!) and he suggested adding Clary Sage (which helps specifically to balance estrogen), and he suggested taking specifically a supplement called PD 80/20. He said to take the PD 80/20 - one a day for two weeks and then 1-2 a week until the bottle runs out and see what happens. This supplement is DHEA and Pregnenalone (the precursers and building blocks of hormones) and it will give your body what it needs to make the hormones it needs to be balanced.

Well, my period came back, the brain fog lifted, and at 52 (so far) I still have my period. When things slow down, I pop a few PD 80/20 and things start back up. Now, you may ask WHY I still want my period? Because statistics show the longer you have it, the longer you live and the better you age. I won’t mind it when it is gone, but I’m trying to eek out as much happy hormones flowing through my body as long as I can.

So why did my medical doctor suggest a Young Living product? Because he is Dr. Dan Purser, one of the doctors that Young Living contracts with to formulate their products. He designed Progessence Plus and PD 80/20 (or had a hand in the development) and knew that I wanted only natural options. So I came up with what I call the “Hormone Reset Challenge” after watching over 7 hours of live webinars that Dr. Purser gave with women who asked him questions about all their hormone issues. I realized that he tells them all the same protocol - so this is his protocol - but I tell everyone about it. And, I often do vendor events where I talk to many women about their hormones. I have had quite a few people who couldn’t get pregnant try this protocol and the following year bring their new baby to introduce to us! It is so amazing!

What is the protocol? It will require you to purchase about $100 of products a month for three months.

Month 1: Progessence Plus, Clary Sage, Lemon Vitality (for supporting your liver which helps with hormone production).

This month you will apply 5-7 drops of Progessence to your wrists every day. 4 drops of Clary Sage (you can put on the bottoms of your feet if you don’t like the smell), and a few drops of lemon under your tongue (it is labeled for internal use) with water - or applied over your liver topically. This is the daily protocol. This will coax your body into hormone balance. If you experience PMS or menstrual cramps, apply more Progessence Plus that day - add 7 drops every 15 minutes until symptoms disappear.

Month 2: Progessence Plus, PD 80/20

This month you continue using the Clary Sage from last month (4 drops a day), continue applying Progessence Plus daily, and take 1 PD 80/20 a day for two weeks. Then you can stop and take 1 or 2 a week until the bottle runs out.

Month 3: Progessence Plus, Clary Sage, Lemon Vitality - continue exactly as month 1.

You should start to see amazing changes in month one with mood improvement, less cramping, and your period may get lighter or heavier (don’t pay attention to that yet). You will see changes. By the end of month three, if your period is not how you want it, you may need to keep going and increase the amount of Progessence Plus daily. But by month four things should be balancing out. Dr. Purser says that 95% of all women will balance out with this protocol. Others may have some things wrong that can only be shown with blood panels. (You can consult with Dr. Purser online at DanPurserMD.com).

If you would like to get a Young Living account and start the Hormone Reset Challenge, CLICK HERE.

You can always contact me with questions as well: WendySelvig@gmail.com


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