By Wendy Selvig, NCPA, CRTS
Make your own roller blends, customizing essential oil constituents for your personal needs.
I am going to tell you how to make your own essential oil roller bottle blend for sore muscles and discomfort. The blending recipes are below. But first I need to explain why there are two recipes for the roller bottles.
Essential oil brands matter. I am very concerned with purity issues and know that 90+% of the oils on the market come from the same handful of distilleries around the world - and those oils come from the perfume industry who have heavy metals leaching into oils from their vats, plus the perfume industry tends to cut their oils with thinners and chemicals that give pure oils a bad name. People have reactions and blame the oils, when it is the dirty chemicals and heavy metals that are usually to blame.
I use and trust Young Living Essential Oils. I have been with the company since 2008. I have been to the farms. I have cornered the farm managers and asked hundreds of questions (yes, I am THAT person!) LOL. I know things about the company that they don’t advertise (but should!), like that when they harvest lavender, they take barometric pressure readings every 15 minutes because if the pressure in the air is wrong, the medicinal constituents of the plants drop down into the root ball and though you will still have “lavender'“ smelling oil, it won’t relax you or help you sleep.
I feel I have to explain this because as a Certified Aromatherapist, I generally have to give recipes for blending in a very conservative ratio. It has been my experience that with pure oils, you can use a lot more without harm than regular oils. But because I don’t know which brand you are using and can’t control the amount of chemicals, thinners, and toxins that are in the oil you have purchased, I must give two recipe recommendations. These recipes are assuming you are using a 10ml roller ball bottle (like these - I have ordered these many times!).
Choose the properties of the oils you desire (from the chart below).
Put 20 drops of your choice of essential oils (from chart below) in a 10ml roller bottler.
Then fill up the 10ml bottle with carrier oil (like liquid coconut oil, grapeseed, jojoba, rose hip, or wheat germ oil).
5-10 drops of your choice of essential oils (from chart below).
Then fill up the 10ml bottle with carrier oil.
(But remember, you are taking risks with your health when using brands that have chemicals or heavy metals in them. The OIL part of the essential oil is probably good, but the rest is NOT!). I don’t recommend blending with cheap oils or any oil AT ALL if you aren’t sure it was distilled in surgical stainless steel vats. Perfume industry vats have toxic heavy metals that leech into the oils. Please don’t gamble with your health or anyone else’s!
(I can’t, at this time, recommend any other brand because of the very high amount of polluted oils. There are even competing brands out there that are supposedly “just like Young Living” that I have seen lab reports on their oils and they have deceptively added chemicals at levels that “typically don’t get reported” on lab reports.) There are a few smaller companies that I like but their oils are small batch and they don’t have nearly as many varieties available as Young Living.
Supports the body’s inflammatory process
Cooling, Calming, Reduces discomfort
Opens Respiratory, Reduces discomfort
Muscle Relaxer, Calming
Reduces discomfort, supports inflammatory process
DEEP SPECTra frankincense
Purchase already blended from Young Living
Nerves, muscles, tissues relief from discomfort
Penetrates deep into muscles for relief
Penetrates deep into muscles and Nerves for relief
Super concentrated relief bringing properties - good to add to blends. DNA Repair.
Young Living Essential Oils
Young Living Essential Oils meet the standards of purity you are looking for.
If you would like to read about their purity standards, CLICK HERE.
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